Public opinion on energy development: The interplay of issue framing, top-of-mind associations, and political ideology

Clarke, C. E., P. S. Hart, J. P. Schuldt, D. T. N. Evensen, H. S. Boudet, J. B. Jacquet and R. C. Stedman (2015). Public opinion on energy development: The interplay of issue framing, top-of-mind associations, and political ideology. Energy Policy 81: 131-140.

Risk-benefit perceptions of natural gas export in Oregon

Mooney, R., S. Hazboun, H. S. Boudet (2022). Risk-benefit perceptions of natural gas export in Oregon. Local Environment 27(3): 342-356.

“Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing

Boudet, H. S., C. Clarke, D. Bugden, E. Maibach, C. Roser-Renouf and A. Leiserowitz (2014). “Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing. Energy Policy 65: 57-67.

MRE Chapter in Ocean and Society

Wickizer, B., D. Brandt, B. Robertson and H. S. Boudet (2023). Marine Renewable Energy: Policy, People, and Prospects in Ocean and Society: An Introduction to Marine Studies. A. K. Spalding and Suman, D. O. (Editors). Routledge – Environment and Sustainability Division.

To act or not to act: Context, capability, and community response to environmental risk

Wright, R. L. and H. S. Boudet (2013). To act or not to act: Context, capability, and community response to environmental risk. American Journal of Sociology 118(3): 728-77.

Wave Energy West Coast

Stelmach, G., S. O. Hazboun, D. Brandt and H. S. Boudet (2023). Public Perceptions of Wave Energy Development on the West Coast of the U.S.: Risks, Benefits, and Coastal Attachment. Ocean & Coastal Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106666.

From NIMBY to NIABY: Regional mobilization against liquefied natural gas siting in the US

Boudet, H. S. (2011). From NIMBY to NIABY: Regional mobilization against liquefied natural gas siting in the US. Environmental Politics 20(6): 786-806.

Community response to microgrids, 4 cases

Muttaqee, M., M. Furqan and H. S. Boudet (2023). Community Response to Microgrid Development: Case Studies from the US. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113690.

NIMBY, YIMBY or something else? Geographies of public perceptions in the Marcellus Shale

Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, C. E. Clarke, R. Stedman and D. Evensen (2020). NIMBY, YIMBY or something else? Geographies of public perceptions in the Marcellus Shale. Environmental Research Letters 15 (7): 074039.

Drivers of conflict in global infrastructure projects

Boudet, H. S., D. Jayasundera and J. Davis (2011). Drivers of conflict in global infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 137(7): 498-511.