Journal Articles


Furqan, M. and H.S. Boudet (2024). Nuances of valuing resilience from microgrids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2024.115236. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., P. Mote, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2024). Comparing public and scientific extreme event attribution to climate change. Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-024-03735-0. [Online Article]

Muttaqee, M., G. Stelmach, C. Zanocco, J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2024). Time of use pricing and likelihood of shifting energy activities, strategies, and timing. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114019. [Online Article]


Siddiqi, M. U. A., L. Giordono, G. Stelmach, C. Zanocco, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2023). Disaster preparation and community helping behavior after the 2020 Oregon Wildfires. Disasters. DOI: 10.1111/disa.12584. [Online Article]

Muttaqee, M., M. Furqan and H. S. Boudet (2023). Community Response to Microgrid Development: Case Studies from the US. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113690. [Online Article]

Stelmach, G., S. O. Hazboun, D. Brandt and H. S. Boudet (2023). Public Perceptions of Wave Energy Development on the West Coast of the U.S.: Risks, Benefits, and Coastal Attachment. Ocean & Coastal Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106666. [Online Article]

Giordono, L. M. U. A. Siddiqi, G. Stelmach, C. Zanocco, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2023). Trial by Fire: Support for Mitigation and Adaptation Policy after the 2020 Oregon Wildfires. Weather, Climate and Society. DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-22-0075.1. [Online Article]


Zanocco, C., T. Sun, G. Stelmach, J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2022). Assessing Californians’ awareness of their daily electricity use patterns. Nature Energy 7: 1191–1199. [Online Article]

Sovacool, BK, J Axsen, LL Delina, HS Boudet, V Rai, R Sidortsov, SA Churchill, KEH Jenkins, and R Galvin (2022). “Towards codes of practice for navigating the academic peer review process.” Energy Research & Social Science 89, 102675: 1-17. [Online Article]

Giordono, L., J. Flora, C. Zanocco, H. S. Boudet (2022). Food practice lifestyles: Identification and implications for energy sustainability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(9): 5638. [Online Article]

Giordono, L., C. Zanocco, H. Peterson and H. S. Boudet (2022). Shelter from the storm: How extreme event experience and government trust shapes public support for climate change mitigation policy in the United States. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12250. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2022). Disparities in reported extreme weather impacts in the United States by race, ethnicity, and income. PLOS Climate. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000026. [Online Article]

Mooney, R., S. Hazboun, H. S. Boudet (2022). Risk-benefit perceptions of natural gas export in Oregon. Local Environment 27(3): 342-356. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., G. Stelmach, L. Giordono, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2022). Poor air quality during wildfires related to support for public safety power shutoffs. Society & Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2022.2041138. [Online Article]

Buechler, E., S. Powell, T. Sun, N. Astier, C. Zanocco, J. Bolorinos, J. Flora, H. Boudet and R. Rajagopal (2022). Global changes in Electricity Consumption During COVID-19. iScience 25(1): 103568. [Online Article]


Stelmach, G. and H. S. Boudet (2021). Using Structural Topic Modeling to Explore the Role of Framing in Shaping the Debate on Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals in Oregon. American Behavioral Scientist, DOI: 10.1177/00027642211056268. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S. (2021).  Getting Closer. Nature Energy 6 (945-946). [Online Article]

Giordono, L., A. Gard-Murray and H. S. Boudet (2021). From peril to promise? Local mitigation and adaptation policy decisions after extreme weather. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 52: 118-124. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., C. Zanocco, G. Stelmach, M. Muttaqee and J. Flora (2021). Public preferences for five electricity grid decarbonization policies in California. Review of Policy Research, 00, 1-19. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2021). When the lights go out: Californians' experience with wildfire-related public safety power shutoffs increases intention to adopt solar and storage. Energy Research & Social Science 79: 102183. [Online Article]

Hazboun, S. and H. S. Boudet (2021). Natural gas - friend or foe of the environment? Evaluating the framing contest over natural gas through a public opinion survey in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Sociology. [Online Article]


Zanocco, C., J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2020). Exploring the effects of California's COVID-19 shelter-in-place order on household energy practices and intention to adopt smart home technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., L. Giordono, C. Zanocco, H. Satein and H. Whitley (2020). Event attribution and partisanship shape local discussion of climate change after extreme weather. Nature Climate Change 10: 69–76. [Online Article]

Stelmach, G., C. Zanocco, J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2020). Exploring household energy rules and activities during peak demand to better determine potential responsiveness to time-of-use pricing. Energy Policy 144: 111608. [Online Article]

Giordono, L., A. Gard-Murray and H. S. Boudet (2020). Local Adaptation Policy Responses to Extreme Weather Events. Policy Sciences 53: 609–636. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, C. E. Clarke, R. Stedman and D. Evensen (2020). NIMBY, YIMBY or something else? Geographies of public perceptions in the Marcellus Shale. Environmental Research Letters 15 (7): 074039. [Online Article]

Hazboun, S. and H. S. Boudet (2020). Public preferences in a shifting energy future: Comparing public views of eight energy sources in North America’s Pacific Northwest. Energies 13(8): 1940. [Online Article]


Mauriello, M., C. Zanocco, G. Stelmach, J. Flora, H. S. Boudet and R. Rajagopal (2019). An Energy Lifestyles Program for Tweens: A Pilot Study. CHI 2019 Late Breaking Work. [Online Article]

Clarke, C. E., D. Bugden, D. T. N. Evensen, R. C. Stedman, H. S. Boudet and J. B. Jacquet (2019). Communicating about climate change, natural gas development, and ‘fracking’. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, Encyclopedia of Climate Communication. Ed. M. Nisbet, S. S. Ho, E. Markowitz, S. O’Neill, M. S. Schafer and J. Thaker. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, R. Nilson and J. Flora (2019). Personal harm and support for climate change mitigation policies: Evidence from 10 U.S. communities impacted by extreme weather. Global Environmental Change 59: 101984. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S. (2019). Public perceptions of and community responses to new energy technologies. Nature Energy 4: 446-455. [Online Article]

Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, C. E. Clarke and P. Howe. (2019). Spatial discontinuities in support for hydraulic fracturing: searching for a “Goldilocks Zone.” Society & Natural Resources 32(9): 1065-1072. [Online Article]

Tran, T., C. L. Taylor, H. S. Boudet, K. Baker and H. Peterson (2019). Using concepts from the study of social movements to understand community response to liquefied natural gas development in Clatsop County, Oregon. Case Studies in the Environment 3 (1): 1–7. [Online Article]


Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, R. Nilson, H. Satein, H. Whitley and J. Flora (2018). Place, proximity and perceived harm: Extreme weather events and views about climate change. Climatic Change 149(3): 349-365. [Online Article]

Pierce, J. J., H. S. Boudet, C. Zanocco and M. Hillyard (2018). Analyzing the factors that influence U.S. public support for exporting natural gas. Energy Policy 120: 666-674. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., S. Shepard, C. Zanocco, L. A. Cramer and B. Tilt (2018). Community climate change beliefs, awareness and actions in the wake of the September 2013 flooding in Boulder County, Colorado. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8(3): 312-325. [Online Article]

Giordono, L. S., H. S. Boudet, A. Karmazina, C. L. Taylor and B. Steel (2018). Opposition “overblown”? Community response to wind energy siting in the Western United States. Energy Research & Social Science 43: 119-131. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., C. Zanocco, C. E. Clarke and P. Howe (2018). The effect of geographic proximity to unconventional oil and gas development on public support for hydraulic fracturing. Risk Analysis 149(3-4): 349-365. [Online Article]


Boudet, H. S. (2016). An “insiteful” comparison: Contentious politics in liquefied natural gas facility siting in the US. MIT Projections 11: 47-76. [PDF] [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., J. Flora and K. C. Armel (2016). Clustering household energy-saving behaviors by behavioral attribute. Energy Policy 92: 444-454. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., N. M. Ardoin, J. Flora, K. C. Armel, M. Desai and T. N. Robinson (2016). Effects of a behavior change intervention for Girl Scouts on child and parent energy-saving behaviors. Nature Energy 1: 16091. [Online Article]

Clarke, C. E., D. Bugden, P. S. Hart, R. C. Stedman, J. B. Jacquet, D. T. N. Evensen and H. S. Boudet (2016). How geographic distance and political ideology interact to influence public perception of unconventional oil/natural gas development. Energy Policy 97: 301-309. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., D. Bugden, C. Zanocco and E. Maibach (2016). The effect of industry activity on public support for “fracking”. Environmental Politics 25(4): 593-612. [Online Article]


Clarke, C. E., P. S. Hart, J. P. Schuldt, D. T. N. Evensen, H. S. Boudet, J. B. Jacquet and R. C. Stedman (2015). Public opinion on energy development: The interplay of issue framing, top-of-mind associations, and political ideology. Energy Policy 81: 131-140. [Online Article]


Boudet, H. S., C. Clarke, D. Bugden, E. Maibach, C. Roser-Renouf and A. Leiserowitz (2014). “Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing. Energy Policy 65: 57-67. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S., J. Flora, N. M. Ardoin, K. C. Armel, and T. N. Robinson (2014). Energy behaviors of northern California Girl Scouts and their families. Energy Policy 73: 439-449. [Online Article]

Howe, P. D., H. S. Boudet, E. Maibach and A. Leiserowitz (2014). Mapping the shadow of experience of extreme weather events. Climatic Change 127(2): 381-389. [Online Article]


Wright, R. L. and H. S. Boudet (2013). To act or not to act: Context, capability, and community response to environmental risk. American Journal of Sociology 118(3): 728-77. [Online Article]


Boudet, H. S., D. Jayasundera and J. Davis (2011). Drivers of conflict in global infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 137(7): 498-511. [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S. (2011). From NIMBY to NIABY: Regional mobilization against liquefied natural gas siting in the US. Environmental Politics 20(6): 786-806. [Online Article]


McAdam, D., H. S. Boudet, J. Davis, R. J. Orr, W. R. Scott and R. Levitt (2010). ‘Site fights’: Explaining opposition to pipeline projects in the developing world. Sociological Forum 25(3): 410-427. Reprinted in Global Projects: Institutional and Political Challenges. Ed. W.R. Scott, R. J. Orr and R. E. Levitt. Cambridge University Press (2011). [Online Article]

Boudet, H. S. and L. Ortolano (2010). A tale of two sitings: Contentious politics in liquefied natural gas facility siting in California. Journal of Planning Education and Research 30(1): 5-21. Reprinted in Megaprojects Planning and Management: Essential Readings. Ed. B. Flyvbjerg. Edward Elgar (2014). **Winner of Chester Rapkin Award for best article** [Online Article]