Place, proximity and perceived harm: Extreme weather events and views about climate change

Zanocco, C., H. S. Boudet, R. Nilson, H. Satein, H. Whitley and J. Flora (2018). Place, proximity and perceived harm: Extreme weather events and views about climate change. Climatic Change 149(3): 349-365.

Analyzing the factors that influence U.S. public support for exporting natural gas

Pierce, J. J., H. S. Boudet, C. Zanocco and M. Hillyard (2018). Analyzing the factors that influence U.S. public support for exporting natural gas. Energy Policy 120: 666-674.

Public vs Scientific EEA

Zanocco, C., P. Mote, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2024). Comparing public and scientific extreme event attribution to climate change. Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-024-03735-0.

Wave Energy West Coast

Stelmach, G., S. O. Hazboun, D. Brandt and H. S. Boudet (2023). Public Perceptions of Wave Energy Development on the West Coast of the U.S.: Risks, Benefits, and Coastal Attachment. Ocean & Coastal Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106666.

Effects of a behavior change intervention for Girl Scouts on child and parent energy-saving behaviors

Boudet, H. S., N. M. Ardoin, J. Flora, K. C. Armel, M. Desai and T. N. Robinson (2016). Effects of a behavior change intervention for Girl Scouts on child and parent energy-saving behaviors. Nature Energy 1: 16091.

Shelter from the storm: How extreme event experience and government trust shapes public support for climate change mitigation policy in the United States

Giordono, L., C. Zanocco, H. Peterson and H. S. Boudet (2022). Shelter from the storm: How extreme event experience and government trust shapes public support for climate change mitigation policy in the United States. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12250.

Local Adaptation Policy Responses to Extreme Weather Events

Giordono, L., A. Gard-Murray and H. S. Boudet (2020). Local Adaptation Policy Responses to Extreme Weather Events. Policy Sciences 53: 609–636.

Assessing Californians’ awareness of their daily electricity use patterns

Zanocco, C., T. Sun, G. Stelmach, J. Flora, R. Rajagopal and H. S. Boudet (2022). Assessing Californians’ awareness of their daily electricity use patterns. Nature Energy 7: 1191–1199.

The effect of industry activity on public support for “fracking”

Boudet, H. S., D. Bugden, C. Zanocco and E. Maibach (2016). The effect of industry activity on public support for “fracking”. Environmental Politics 25(4): 593-612.

Community response to microgrids, 4 cases

Muttaqee, M., M. Furqan and H. S. Boudet (2023). Community Response to Microgrid Development: Case Studies from the US. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113690.