Nuances of valuing resilience from microgrids
Furqan, M. and H.S. Boudet (2024). Nuances of valuing resilience from microgrids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2024.115236.
Furqan, M. and H.S. Boudet (2024). Nuances of valuing resilience from microgrids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2024.115236.
Hazboun, S. and H.S. Boudet (2025). Societal Responses to Offshore Wind Infrastructure. In Nielsen, K., and B. Robertson, editors. Floating offshore wind energy infrastructure. In E. Fleishman, editor. 2025. Seventh Oregon climate assessment. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Stelmach, G. and H.S. Boudet (2024). West Coast Perceptions of Wave Energy: A Second Survey of California, Oregon, and Washington Residents. Pacific Marine Energy Center.
Muttaqee, M., M. Furqan and H. S. Boudet (2023). Community Response to Microgrid Development: Case Studies from the US. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113690.
Hilary Boudet
Professor & Director of Graduate Programs
School of Public Policy
Oregon State University
318 Bexell Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331