Just published: NIMBY, YIMBY, or something else? Geographies of public perceptions of shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab7d01 via @IOPscience @OSU_SPP @rcstedman @dtevensen

Our paper on the geographies of public perceptions of shale gas development just came out in Environmental Research Letters. Nice to work with Chad Zanocco, Chris Clarke, Rich Stedman and Darrick Evensen on this one!

Thanks so much to @SloanFoundation, @MichelsonEvan for supporting our research on community perceptions of microgrids @OSU_SPP

The Sloan Foundation recently funded a new research project on community perceptions of microgrids. Delighted to have the opportunity to explore this new area!

New pub on energy preferences in the Pacific Northwest with @OlsonHazboun https://www.mdpi.com/691554 @OSU_SPP

Shawn Olson Hazboun and I recently published an open access paper on energy preferences in the Pacific Northwest.

Excited to start my new role as Associate Director of the Public Policy Graduate Program @OSU_SPP

I am excited to start my new role this summer as Associate Director of the Public Policy Graduate Program at OSU!

Matt Mauriello at CHI 2019

Good luck to postdoc Matt Mauriello, who is presenting some work related to our Know Your Energy Numbers program as part of the Smart & Connected Kids grant at CHI.

Excited to attend MPSA!

I was delighted to present some of work on community response to extreme weather at my first MPSA in Chicago.

Presentation at Utah State

Thanks for hosting me at Utah State’s Quinney College of Natural Resources!