Renewable Energy
Goal: To better understand public opinions and responses to renewable energy technologies and proposals, including wave, wind, and microgrid projects.
Collaborators: Shawn Olson Hazboun, Brent Steel
Selected Publications
Stelmach, G., S. O. Hazboun, D. Brandt and H. S. Boudet (2023). Public Perceptions of Wave Energy Development on the West Coast of the U.S.: Risks, Benefits, and Coastal Attachment. Ocean & Coastal Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106666. [Online Article]
Wickizer, B., D. Brandt, B. Robertson and H. S. Boudet (2023). Marine Renewable Energy: Policy, People, and Prospects in Ocean and Society: An Introduction to Marine Studies. A. K. Spalding and Suman, D. O. (Editors). Routledge – Environment and Sustainability Division. [Online Article]
Boudet, H. S., C. Zanocco, G. Stelmach, M. Muttaqee and J. Flora (2021). Public preferences for five electricity grid decarbonization policies in California. Review of Policy Research, 00, 1-19. [Online Article]
Boudet, H. S., D. Brandt, G. Stelmach and S. Hazboun (2020). West Coast Perceptions of Wave Energy. Pacific Marine Energy Center. [PDF]
Hazboun, S. and H. S. Boudet (2020). Public preferences in a shifting energy future: Comparing public views of eight energy sources in North America’s Pacific Northwest. Energies 13(8): 1940. [Online Article]
Boudet, H. S. (2019). Public perceptions of and community responses to new energy technologies. Nature Energy 4: 446-455. [Online Article]
Giordono, L. S., H. S. Boudet, A. Karmazina, C. L. Taylor and B. Steel (2018). Opposition “overblown”? Community response to wind energy siting in the Western United States. Energy Research & Social Science 43: 119-131. [Online Article]
Boudet, H. S. and J. Grandolfo (2016). Strategic environmental assessment and public participation in infrastructure siting: Klickitat County, Washington’s wind energy overlay zone. The Governance of Infrastructure. Ed. K. Wegrich, G. Kostka and G. Hammerschmid. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [Online Article]
Wright, R. L. and H. S. Boudet (2013). To act or not to act: Context, capability, and community response to environmental risk. American Journal of Sociology 118(3): 728-77. [Online Article]
McAdam, D. and H. S. Boudet (2012). Putting social movements in their place: Explaining opposition to energy projects in the United States, 2000-2005. Cambridge University Press. [Online Article]