Analyzing the factors that influence U.S. public support for exporting natural gas

Pierce, J. J., H. S. Boudet, C. Zanocco and M. Hillyard (2018). Analyzing the factors that influence U.S. public support for exporting natural gas. Energy Policy 120: 666-674.

The long shadow of unconventional hydrocarbon development: Contentious politics in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility siting in Oregon

Boudet, H. S., T. Trang and B. Gaustad (2017). The long shadow of unconventional hydrocarbon development: Contentious politics in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility siting in Oregon. Fractured Communities: Risks, Impact, and Protest Against Hydraulic Fracking in U.S. Shale Regions. Ed. A. E. Ladd. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Using Structural Topic Modeling to Explore the Role of Framing in Shaping the Debate on Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals in Oregon

Stelmach, G. and H. S. Boudet (2021). Using Structural Topic Modeling to Explore the Role of Framing in Shaping the Debate on Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals in Oregon. American Behavioral Scientist, DOI: 10.1177/00027642211056268.

Second Wave Energy Survey

Stelmach, G. and H.S. Boudet (2024). West Coast Perceptions of Wave Energy: A Second Survey of California, Oregon, and Washington Residents. Pacific Marine Energy Center.

Effects of a behavior change intervention for Girl Scouts on child and parent energy-saving behaviors

Boudet, H. S., N. M. Ardoin, J. Flora, K. C. Armel, M. Desai and T. N. Robinson (2016). Effects of a behavior change intervention for Girl Scouts on child and parent energy-saving behaviors. Nature Energy 1: 16091.

Strategic environmental assessment and public participation in infrastructure siting: Klickitat County, Washington’s wind energy overlay zone

Boudet, H. S. and J. Grandolfo (2016). Strategic environmental assessment and public participation in infrastructure siting: Klickitat County, Washington’s wind energy overlay zone. The Governance of Infrastructure. Ed. K. Wegrich, G. Kostka and G. Hammerschmid. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Poor air quality during wildfires related to support for public safety power shutoffs

Zanocco, C., G. Stelmach, L. Giordono, J. Flora and H. S. Boudet (2022). Poor air quality during wildfires related to support for public safety power shutoffs. Society & Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2022.2041138.

Local Adaptation Policy Responses to Extreme Weather Events

Giordono, L., A. Gard-Murray and H. S. Boudet (2020). Local Adaptation Policy Responses to Extreme Weather Events. Policy Sciences 53: 609–636.

The effect of industry activity on public support for “fracking”

Boudet, H. S., D. Bugden, C. Zanocco and E. Maibach (2016). The effect of industry activity on public support for “fracking”. Environmental Politics 25(4): 593-612.

Global Changes in Electricity Consumption During COVID-19

Buechler, E., S. Powell, T. Sun, N. Astier, C. Zanocco, J. Bolorinos, J. Flora, H. Boudet and R. Rajagopal (2022). Global changes in Electricity Consumption During COVID-19. iScience 25(1): 103568.