Stephen Gunther

Stephen Gunther completed his Masters of Public Policy at OSU in 2018. He received his Bachelor’s degree in political science from James Madison University. Prior to coming to OSU, he worked at a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., supporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for nearly five years. He went on to work at the Center of Sustainable Energy in San Diego on issues related to distributed energy resources.

Brianna Rybka

Brianna was born in the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania but moved to the Pacific Northwest to complete her undergraduate degree. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Oregon State University. After receiving her degree, Brianna relocated back to Pennsylvania and began working as a teacher and starting an organic vegetable farm. She returned to Oregon State University and earned a Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Natural Resources. Brianna completed her Master of Public Policy degree in 2022, with a concentration in Sustainable Natural Resources. Her essay looked at the relationship between the many stakeholders and coalitions involved in Pennsylvania’s attempts to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Timothy Pape

Timothy Pape completed his PhD in the Environmental Sciences Department at OSU in 2023 researching the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program in the Columbia River Basin. He received his MS in Environmental Policy: Energy and Sustainability from the University of Denver and his bachelor’s degree in philosophy: Ethics, Law, and Value Theory from USC. He went on to an Assistant Professor position at Bowling Green State University.

Anna Karmazina

Anna Karmazina completed her Master of Public Policy at OSU in 2016 and her PhD in Public Policy at OSU in 2020. She was born and raised in Tomsk (a Russian city also known as the Siberian Athens, so called because of its numerous universities and huge student population). Anna was a research assistant for the OSU Policy Analysis Laboratory project “Renewable Energy Siting in the West” where she examined the main principles of stakeholder collaboration in the process of wind energy development. Away from the books, she enjoys listening to live music and exploring new places.

Usman Siddiqi

Usman Siddiqi completed his PhD in Public Policy at Oregon State University as a Fulbright scholar. After his Bachelors, Masters, and MPhil in political science with distinctions, he taught at GC University Lahore, Pakistan, for about 10 years. Apart from teaching, he has served in various capacities including editor of the Journal of Political Science, deputy director of Centre of Excellence China Studies, advisor of Parliamentary Students Society, and focal person of various international conferences. In his PhD, he studied public perceptions of energy policy in the US. He worked with Hilary on research related to public adaptation and risk mitigation behaviors/policy support in the wake of extreme weather events. Upon graduate, he took a postdoctoral position at University of Bath.

Greg Stelmach

Greg Stelmach is a postdoctoral scholar with the Pacific Marine Energy Center, where his research focuses on public perceptions of marine renewable energy development. He completed his Master of Public Policy degree at OSU in 2019, working on the Smart & Connected Kids for Sustainable Energy Communities project. He completed his PhD in Public Policy at OSU in 2024 on public perceptions of and response to large-scale energy proposals.

Anna Kelly

Anna Kelly is Director of Strategy and Innovation at SBW Consulting. She previously worked at Power TakeOff, Colorado Energy Office and The Cadmus Group. While a graduate student at OSU, Anna studied opposition to large scale renewable energy developments and hybrid energy systems.

Lily Butler

Lily Butler is from Eugene, Oregon, and studied Natural Resources and Sustainability at Oregon State. She first got interested in sustainability topics when volunteering for the Oregon Natural Desert Association as a teenager. She was also an outreach program assistant for OSU Materials Management and an ASOSU senator. She worked with Hilary on a project exploring community perceptions of microgrids. She went on to graduate studies and the University of Wisconsin.

Alexis James

Alexis earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State University. After working as a transportation engineer for one year, Alexis returned to NC State and earned a Master of Science in Biological & Agricultural Engineering. She then proceeded to work in Alaska for almost two years in both water resources and roadway engineering until she returned to North Carolina. After returning to her home state, she earned her Professional Engineering license and continued to work as a water resources and roadway engineer for seven more years. She earned her Master of Public Policy at Oregon  State University in 2021, concentrating in environmental and energy policy. Her essay examined the relation between religious beliefs and perceptions of climate change in the Pacific Northwest. She went on to a Hatfield Fellowship with Portland State University.

Jenna Knobloch

Jenna Knobloch graduated from OSU with a Master of Public Policy in 2016. Her research interests include environmental and climate change policy, particularly where they intersect with collaborative governance. Prior to coming to OSU, she earned a degree in Economics from Portland State University and was an AmeriCorps VISTA member at a financial education nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, reading and brewing beer. She worked with Hilary on the community reactions to extreme weather project. She went on to a position as a forest program manager at Sustainable Northwest.